Wednesday, July 28, 2010

and … seven months later

I’ve taken the time to read my first, and very ambitious, entry of 2010 and have recorded my thoughts and reactions … nearly seven months later. I love my own enthusiasm. The concept of a new year is powerful and will envigorate most people, aside from the realists and skeptics who don’t bother with resolutions or goals.

I still have the glorious blue planner, however I have lost it in my apartment countless times. I have been encouraged by many to use online calendars and the calendar on my Blackberry. The Google calendar I have contains about 30% of the things I need to do and the other 70% is a combinations of paper scraps, reminder cards, emails that I need to find within one of my five Gmail accounts, mental notes, text messages, and countless other random sources. I’m working on getting better with this. I’ve even recently acquired a Kate Spade planner/address book, which I am very excited about. I’ve even recorded several events for the upcoming month of August. Maybe this one will stick. I will let you know how it goes.

As far as red meat, I lasted 8 solid weeks without it. It all started with Chipotle [isn’t that really how all good things start?]. About 6 weeks in on a cold winter day, a Chipotle craving hit me after a ridiculously long day at work and that was the end of it. That tender, grilled chicken in the burrito bowl was the best chicken I’ve ever had. It was pure bliss. A couple weeks later, I went in for the kill. I had the most tender, succulent, fall off the bone black strap baby back ribs from Overwood in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Paired with hot, crispy, fresh cut fries and some spicy red wine, it was ridiculous. You must try them – they will change your life:

Assignment #1: If your tastebuds have numbed over the years, I highly suggest dropping meat and dairy for one month and then tasting a fine filet mignon or blackened chicken breast or any piece of flesh you desire. It will be a truly unforgettable experience.

I’ve read a few books this year. A recent favorite is Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you won’t want it to end. Sophie is amazing – read all of her stuff! A few other books that have made an appearance in my rotating queue include those by Ivanka Trump, Jackie Warner, Bethenny Frankel, and Kate Spade.

Exercise has been as random as ever, but there is a very good chance it would average out to 3 times per week. It always improves my moods, yet usually takes a considerable amount of self-convincing to make it there.

New experiences mainly involve trying new restaurants, which I’m happy to report is a rewarding experience considering DC’s status of up-and-coming culinary destination. I’ve done some cooking when we are not venturing out to dinner. The most popular and well-received creation was Smoked Gouda Mashed Potatoes

Assignment #2: Make these mashed potatoes. They are ridiculous and will make people worship you. Be liberal with the cream and butter.

On the subject of always striving to become a better person and staying connected to friends, I am happy to report that I continue to do one of my favorite things: send notes and stuff to friends in the “real mail”. I’m in love with the postal service, stamps, and sending and receiving letters and cards. One of the great pleasures in life is receiving a hand-written card in the mail.

It’s always good to set goals for yourself as long as you don’t punish yourself for not checking everything off your list. Life is not a list, it’s experience and growth. When I was a kid, my mom bought me a decorative stone with this quote etched into it: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars”. I’ve always liked that concept.

My goal is still to try, fail, experience, live and love the best I can.

Monday, January 4, 2010

contract for success

I love nothing more than a fresh and delicious new year. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me. The morning is my favorite time of day, I keep products in their original packaging as long as possible to relish their new-ness, and I’m an enthusiastic project starter. I thrive on anything new. So, naturally the New Year is the most amazing gift to me during the holiday season.

Everyone wants to become a better version of themselves - leaner, stronger, hotter, smarter, richer, more cultured, more powerful. No matter what the goal is, most people view the New Year as their “big opportunity” to reinvent. It’s a fantastic idea, but how do we turn our ambitious intentions into reality? I've heard over and over to outline specific vs. broad goals. So, I’ve taken this a step further and have written a contract agreement with myself with specific actions to improve my quality of life. This contract paired with my new calendar/planner will make me invincible in 2010.

I am genuinely excited about my contract. Resolutions can quickly turn into resentment just a few weeks into the year. However, I have essentially made a list of things that I’m looking forward to and will improve my quality of life at the same time. It really can’t get any better than that. For example, instead of “lose 10 pounds” [which is an instant punishment], I’ve decided to drop red meat [and anything with legs for that matter] and most of the fatty dairy from my diet, exercise 3 times a week [no matter what it is – yoga, walking, gym, hiking, intense shopping sessions, or anything active], have committed to learn to cook 2 new dishes per month, read 1 book per month [in 2010, I might have finished only 1 book!], and get outside my comfort zone with 1 completely new experience per month [such as salsa dancing or going to the opera].

I’m trying to take an approach that is unique from anything I’ve ever experienced. I know that eating primarily a plant-based diet will immediately shed fat, exercise will help maintain shape as well as give me energy, cooking is something I love to do and I’ll have something tasty to bring to work for lunch. Reading a book every month will force me away from the TV where I tend to drink wine or snack and having drastically new [yet positive] experiences will make me a happier, more interesting person and happy people tend to consume a healthier diet. These are just a few things from the contract and they are all things I’ve “always wanted to do”.

In 2009, Chanbody was a fledging blog focusing on a specific diet found in a magazine and a handful of gym visits. Chanbody 2010 will focus on overall health and lifestyle, which lead to a fab body and a balanced mind. I will pepper in some segments based on my 2010 success contract, occasional recipes, exercise experiences, and simply random hijinks of Chan.

2010 is about stretching the boundaries of comfort, experiencing new things, gaining satisfaction through learning and growing, and living the best life possible.

Ever tried.
Ever failed.
No matter.
Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better.
- Samuel Beckett

Monday, August 31, 2009

blog imposter + f@t pinching

Who broke into my blog and wrote all this stuff about the gym? No, seriously. I also realize that "April" [last entry] seems like a foreign land over here on the island of "summer is almost over."

For all those just dying to know, my 6-pack has not made a shining appearance and it is nearly fall. However, in the past two months, my tolerance for fatty foods and alcohol has increased threefold. And that is something to really brag about.

I like to think that I am preparing for the marathon eating that will take place starting late October until I wake up in a pile of buttery drool and champagne on a sidewalk on New Year's Day. I will then do one obligatory crunch to declare my dedication to fitness in 2010.

For my birthday in July, a fitness buff friend of mine bought me a fitness assessment appointment plus one personal training session with her super-awesome top-tiered personal trainer. She reminded me about it and I set up and appointment this past Saturday. I actually thought I was going in for the training session, but was sadly mistaken as I was led into a tiny room with a muscle function poster on the wall and a mini-skeleton hanging in the corner which was actually kind of cute. Like the bones of an ooompa-loompa.

I didn’t realize how little I move and how much junk I eat until the moment I was in a closed room telling an extremely fit person all about it. She asked how much I worked out. I went on and on about how it’s been a while since I worked out because I’ve been in a “gym-transition” going from one to the next like The Three Little Bears. One was just the right size, but didn’t maintain their equipment and had a couple really creepy ‘staring guys’ – not working out, but the actual staff. Ergh. The next was really small, had about 5 members, no staff after 8pm, and was on the street so all the drunk people could stare in and watch – again: creepy. The next one is enormous and has all new equipment, but creepy in that it’s too big and they play no music like working out in a library of retirees.

I’m sensing a theme, as you may be. Apparently, gyms are just creepy. So, I admitted that I work out like 2 times a week, which is sort of embarrassing to tell someone with perfect calves. I then suggested she should propbably make up a workout for me to do in my living room.

Then, she asked what I eat during the day and could I remember what I ate on Friday. Ayyy. I could only remember coffee. Coffee in the morning. Then a latte. Some Kashi cereal [oh yeah, that is healthy, baby!], then an entire vegetarian burrito from Chipotle [because that one comes with a huge vat of guac], then some random pretzels, then the next thing I had was alcohol [I’m sure she loved that], then later that night … wait for it … [I mean, seriously, this never happens] another half a Chipotle burrito that was leftover from the day before. Really?

I like to think, along with 75% of the population, that “I know” what to do and what to eat but just don’t do it. Variety is the spice of life and eating like an athlete with defined abs is a slow, boring death of chicken breasts and protein powder.

And, now comes the good part. Oh yeah. The Fat Tongs. She told me to relax and started grabbing the fattiest parts of my triceps, stomach and thigh. I was literally a piece of meat. Pass the BBQ sauce. Results weren’t bad, but I only like to be squeezed by a certain person in my life and it is not her.

The trainer was a real sweetheart and she has me writing down what I eat for 6 days. I thanked her and told her I would email her my 6-day food fest on Friday. She made such an impression on me that I thought of her many times during brunch on Sunday while I was eating my Hangover Frittata made of whole eggs, gruyere cheese, chorizo sausage, lump crab meat, and covered in fried potatoes. I mean, that really is the only cure.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm back b*tches!

Here's a quote I'm in love with and believe 110%: I don't expect success. I train for it. - Ryan Reynolds in Men's Health magazine April 2009.

I'm back and definitely seeing some abs. My posts are going to be less sap and more action. Bottom line is that, a few weeks ago, I had a total panic attack meltdown. Work was insane, was moving to a new place, the economy was weighing down on everyone around me - especially in my industry. I had chest pains for two days straight and ended up at the doctor's office on day two. I wasn't working out much or eating well or even sleeping. The doctor gave me something to calm me down and then suggested a daily-use anxiety medication.

I tried the daily-use method for eleven days and hated the side effects. I felt out of it, tired, dizzy, and the list goes on. The pills ended up flushed down the toilet after I made a call to the doctor and told her I was done. Also told her I was going to start working out 4-5 days a week because I truly believe exercise and healthy diet can replace most medication [with the exception of any serious health issue]. She agreed with my decision, with the caveat of calling her immediately if I was experiencing any further daily anxiety.

I literally started going 4-5 times a week and feeling amazing. I started taking in the gym like anybody else takes in oxygen. It helps me focus, deal with stress, and simply feel amazing. Am also getting stronger. I usually go in the morning and I never used to be able to lift weights that early in the morning. But, now I just rock it. The weight I can lift is noticably increasing and the amount of cardio I do is way more than I could ever do before.

So, I'm back. But, no more sappy stories about laying on the couch eating chocolate. Sorry. I know that was truly the funny stuff. Failure really is funny, but I'm not feeling very entertaining right now. Spring is here and I feel amazing.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

chocolate, naan, beer, & cupcakes

I like to show my abs who's boss. My abs have been getting all high and mighty lately. Especially those cocky little obliques that have made a few brief appearances, mainly first thing in the morning after I've had a clean day of eating. That is, when I'm standing at a specific sideways angle in front of the mirror while also standing completely upright and simultaneously flexing and sucking in. That is the time when they come out and are all "look at me, look at me!". They are so selfish and sometimes need reprimanding.

The best way to punish unruly abs is through the recreational use of carbs. For example, about a week ago, I was simply exhausted from all this healthy eating, the holidays, and forcing my heart to work at rates which it was not accustomed. I was starving for dinner & spotted the bag of naan from Trader Joe's in my freezer. Oh yum! Naan. I figured it would be in my best interest to clear that out of my kitchen immediately so I wouldn't be tempted in the future. I broke one piece in half and popped it in the toaster. Anyone who has had naan knows it it just the best little pillow of hot, chewy, crispy, bready deliciousness ever. I grabbed it from the toaster and plated it with a side of olive oil with fresh ground black pepper. It was so delicious & I was getting lots of healthy fat from the olive oil. It was so good that I had another naan & olive oil platter. It was fantastic, but I was still starving. Perhaps there was some medical truth behind the concept that carbs should not be eaten alone. Hmmm.

I went back into the kitchen only to spot a box I had received as a holiday gift. It reminded me of a cigar box, only larger. The contents of this box were 12 bars of chocolate, which I had originally envisioned as decorations for upcoming gifts for birthdays or Valentine's Day. But, it would have been truly inconsiderate to give bars of chocolate away as gifts without tasting the goods first. So, I chose the milk chocolate with almonds. It was absolutely creamy and amazing chocolate. The bar was the second course in my dinner of Naan & Chocolate. I'm pretty certain I will not be adding these to any gifts. By the way, if your mouth is drooling like mine is right now, check out this tasty goodness for yourself: This is no ordinary chocolate, hot stuff. No, this is not paid advertising but that is not a bad idea.

My abs and myself have both been behaving lately with nutrition and even visiting the gym from time to time. So, why deprive oneself of the tasty treats? Which is exactly why, after a long 2 days at work this week, I'm enjoying a smooth Bell's Special Double Cream Stout. The beer equivalent of Blommer Chocolate. I guarantee I will not see my obliques tomorrow morning in the mirror no matter how much trick lighting I try to use. However, the past couple weeks have taught me how to make compromises and make good decisions. I truly believe that anybody can use any diet and succeed ... until the diet ends. But, to experience personal growth and have a healthy, functioning body you must compromise instead of trying to function with harsh extremes. And, compromise is not something that comes easily to me.

What I mean by compromise is Food Heaven or Hell. Tomorrow I will be in Nutrition Purgatory. Did I mention I had the most amazing cupcake from Georgetown Cupcake today? Oh, did I forget to mention that? I was at work and someone who wants us to pay more attention to them sent over the most gorgeous cupcakes. You can't say no to these. I won't eat just any cupcake. What do you think I am? The website for this is even sweet. It has that super fun feature where dragging the mouse creates fun shapes all over the screen. Check it out - it's like a fun game when you are bored at work:

It's definitely good to know my abs are waiting to come out to walk the red carpet. But, I have to keep them in line. They cannot get too much, too fast without really doing much work. Who do they think they are? Miley Cyrus? I also have to keep myself happy to balance out the enormous amount of grilled chicken, scoops of whey protein, egg whites, vegetables, and gallons of water I've been drinking.

The great news is that you can actually subtly control the way your body looks from day to day with careful food choices. As I said, I will definitely not be seeing my abs tomorrow morning. I might actually see what appears to be a gut. I'll just know it's the Bell's Special Double Cream Stout and Georgetown Cupcake competing for some attention.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

shiny & pretty things

Last Sunday, I made to the gym. It was the infamous Day 1 that I had carefully and delicately placed on a pedestal. For days before that, I adored that workout routine in all it's perfection hoisted high on that pedestal until I realized I would have to follow through with it. So, I had a heaping scoop of whey protein and some sugary mango [to access immediate energy] and I got dressed in my little gym suit. I couldn't immediately go work out or I would vomit from all that food in my stomach. I did some dishes, started some laundry, stared out the window, watched some crack-like addictive E! channel programming, and then realized 45 minutes had passed. I wondered what happened to my sugary mango energy reserves. I rushed to the gym to ensure the mangoes would be property utilized.

When I got to the gym, I was already impressed with myself. It was a nice Sunday afternoon, perfect for lounging on my cozy couch. The icy wind was howling and I was sure that the right side of my face was chapped from walking into the gym from the parking lot. I walked downstairs, put my things in the locker room and took out the black and white photocopy I made from the Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine. It's not that I've never been in a gym before and have no idea what to do. I've worked out since I was 14 and got my hands on my first Shape magazine. I used to do the mini fitness routines in my room with my pink weights. Then, I progressed to the grown-up gym in college and loved it. Even though I know a million different ways to work out, it's helpful to have a plan written down or have a personal trainer tell me what to do. Otherwise, I would just wander around randomly doing exercises that pop into my mind.

The workout ended up being fantastic and I felt amazing when I finished. It was a standard 10 minute cardio appetizer, then an upper body weights entree, then 25 minutes of cardio for dessert. Delicious! And to top off all this tasty goodness, I learned what time all the hot guys come to the gym on Sundays. Apparently, I have to show up after Hangover o'clock in the morning, but before Random Sports TV Event o'clock in the afternoon.

My back, chest, triceps, shoulders, and biceps were sore from Monday until Wednesday. And I had no idea how much pectoral muscle went into turning the wheel of a car until my muscle fibers were bleeding from the inside out while finding a prime parking spot in my deck and avoiding running into the support beams. My muscles were so sore that I have not found myself at the gym since that Sunday. The good news is that was only 6 days ago instead of 6 weeks or 6 months.

I have even more good news. In my avoidance of going to the gym this week, my apartment looks amazing. As amazing as any 670 square foot apartment can look, that is. Everything is in order, as if I had a live-in wait staff. I even do my dishes as I'm cooking and after I eat. I've never done that in my life. Again, I had often waited for James The Butler to come and tidy up when I was finished dining.

I do get distracted often by shiny, pretty things, like the seemingly immediate need to recycle old magazines or shop for post-holiday goods, but what I've learned in starting this is the concept of moderation. I used to scoff at moderation. I thought it was a boring concept. I mean, what is the fun of only partially doing something? But, I've found myself eating more healthfully, making better choices, and avoiding extremes. I've booted the all or nothing concept and see myself investing in my health. The idea of the lifelong marathon of health with hot abs is way more appealing than a crazed few week sprint. What would I do when the sprint was over?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

elegance is refusal

I deem Coco Chanel's quote "Elegance is refusal" as the theme for 2009. She said this in reference to her own resilience in life and in her business. Determined to succeed, she refused to give up on her vision and her life's passion. This philosophy can be applied to anything in your life. Business, love, travel, family, and of course fitness.

Someone asked me last week why I would not want to continue eating whatever I want, whenever I want. I replied that I prefer to enjoy the view in the mirror every time I get dressed for a night out or put a bikini on for a lounge by the pool. Discipline is an enviable skill, not a prison sentence. How would we ever get anything accomplished without it? Without drive, discipline and the grace to say no, we would not grow as individuals.

There was a book published in the 90's called Thin Tastes Better. I don't necessarily care about being thin, but rather fit. For the purpose of this, we'll say Fit Tastes Better. Out of pure desire, I want to be photo-op ready if I plan a tropical vacation with friends or have a romantic getaway. I think the key here is being ready vs. never feeling quite ready. I even read somewhere that fit people get paid more at work. It's the same idea as having an outfit pulled together or being groomed properly. It's just pure and simple self-respect.

Well, darlings, elegance truly is refusal. Refusal to get lazy. Refusal to put anything in my body that will hinder success. Refusal to be so hard on myself that I don't enjoy life. Refusal to give up.

2009 is about being the best version of yourself you can possibly be. This can be anything you want it to be. I want to see my friends more, be healthier, and smile more. And a little ego boost can't hurt either.

Ciao for now.

Happy New Year & Cheers to the best year ever!