Monday, January 4, 2010

contract for success

I love nothing more than a fresh and delicious new year. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me. The morning is my favorite time of day, I keep products in their original packaging as long as possible to relish their new-ness, and I’m an enthusiastic project starter. I thrive on anything new. So, naturally the New Year is the most amazing gift to me during the holiday season.

Everyone wants to become a better version of themselves - leaner, stronger, hotter, smarter, richer, more cultured, more powerful. No matter what the goal is, most people view the New Year as their “big opportunity” to reinvent. It’s a fantastic idea, but how do we turn our ambitious intentions into reality? I've heard over and over to outline specific vs. broad goals. So, I’ve taken this a step further and have written a contract agreement with myself with specific actions to improve my quality of life. This contract paired with my new calendar/planner will make me invincible in 2010.

I am genuinely excited about my contract. Resolutions can quickly turn into resentment just a few weeks into the year. However, I have essentially made a list of things that I’m looking forward to and will improve my quality of life at the same time. It really can’t get any better than that. For example, instead of “lose 10 pounds” [which is an instant punishment], I’ve decided to drop red meat [and anything with legs for that matter] and most of the fatty dairy from my diet, exercise 3 times a week [no matter what it is – yoga, walking, gym, hiking, intense shopping sessions, or anything active], have committed to learn to cook 2 new dishes per month, read 1 book per month [in 2010, I might have finished only 1 book!], and get outside my comfort zone with 1 completely new experience per month [such as salsa dancing or going to the opera].

I’m trying to take an approach that is unique from anything I’ve ever experienced. I know that eating primarily a plant-based diet will immediately shed fat, exercise will help maintain shape as well as give me energy, cooking is something I love to do and I’ll have something tasty to bring to work for lunch. Reading a book every month will force me away from the TV where I tend to drink wine or snack and having drastically new [yet positive] experiences will make me a happier, more interesting person and happy people tend to consume a healthier diet. These are just a few things from the contract and they are all things I’ve “always wanted to do”.

In 2009, Chanbody was a fledging blog focusing on a specific diet found in a magazine and a handful of gym visits. Chanbody 2010 will focus on overall health and lifestyle, which lead to a fab body and a balanced mind. I will pepper in some segments based on my 2010 success contract, occasional recipes, exercise experiences, and simply random hijinks of Chan.

2010 is about stretching the boundaries of comfort, experiencing new things, gaining satisfaction through learning and growing, and living the best life possible.

Ever tried.
Ever failed.
No matter.
Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better.
- Samuel Beckett

1 comment:

  1. I recommend the opera. Catch "Nabucco". Love the intro of it. Chan always has plan. Keep us posted on the new experiences for 2010.
