Wednesday, July 28, 2010

and … seven months later

I’ve taken the time to read my first, and very ambitious, entry of 2010 and have recorded my thoughts and reactions … nearly seven months later. I love my own enthusiasm. The concept of a new year is powerful and will envigorate most people, aside from the realists and skeptics who don’t bother with resolutions or goals.

I still have the glorious blue planner, however I have lost it in my apartment countless times. I have been encouraged by many to use online calendars and the calendar on my Blackberry. The Google calendar I have contains about 30% of the things I need to do and the other 70% is a combinations of paper scraps, reminder cards, emails that I need to find within one of my five Gmail accounts, mental notes, text messages, and countless other random sources. I’m working on getting better with this. I’ve even recently acquired a Kate Spade planner/address book, which I am very excited about. I’ve even recorded several events for the upcoming month of August. Maybe this one will stick. I will let you know how it goes.

As far as red meat, I lasted 8 solid weeks without it. It all started with Chipotle [isn’t that really how all good things start?]. About 6 weeks in on a cold winter day, a Chipotle craving hit me after a ridiculously long day at work and that was the end of it. That tender, grilled chicken in the burrito bowl was the best chicken I’ve ever had. It was pure bliss. A couple weeks later, I went in for the kill. I had the most tender, succulent, fall off the bone black strap baby back ribs from Overwood in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Paired with hot, crispy, fresh cut fries and some spicy red wine, it was ridiculous. You must try them – they will change your life:

Assignment #1: If your tastebuds have numbed over the years, I highly suggest dropping meat and dairy for one month and then tasting a fine filet mignon or blackened chicken breast or any piece of flesh you desire. It will be a truly unforgettable experience.

I’ve read a few books this year. A recent favorite is Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you won’t want it to end. Sophie is amazing – read all of her stuff! A few other books that have made an appearance in my rotating queue include those by Ivanka Trump, Jackie Warner, Bethenny Frankel, and Kate Spade.

Exercise has been as random as ever, but there is a very good chance it would average out to 3 times per week. It always improves my moods, yet usually takes a considerable amount of self-convincing to make it there.

New experiences mainly involve trying new restaurants, which I’m happy to report is a rewarding experience considering DC’s status of up-and-coming culinary destination. I’ve done some cooking when we are not venturing out to dinner. The most popular and well-received creation was Smoked Gouda Mashed Potatoes

Assignment #2: Make these mashed potatoes. They are ridiculous and will make people worship you. Be liberal with the cream and butter.

On the subject of always striving to become a better person and staying connected to friends, I am happy to report that I continue to do one of my favorite things: send notes and stuff to friends in the “real mail”. I’m in love with the postal service, stamps, and sending and receiving letters and cards. One of the great pleasures in life is receiving a hand-written card in the mail.

It’s always good to set goals for yourself as long as you don’t punish yourself for not checking everything off your list. Life is not a list, it’s experience and growth. When I was a kid, my mom bought me a decorative stone with this quote etched into it: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars”. I’ve always liked that concept.

My goal is still to try, fail, experience, live and love the best I can.

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