Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm back b*tches!

Here's a quote I'm in love with and believe 110%: I don't expect success. I train for it. - Ryan Reynolds in Men's Health magazine April 2009.

I'm back and definitely seeing some abs. My posts are going to be less sap and more action. Bottom line is that, a few weeks ago, I had a total panic attack meltdown. Work was insane, was moving to a new place, the economy was weighing down on everyone around me - especially in my industry. I had chest pains for two days straight and ended up at the doctor's office on day two. I wasn't working out much or eating well or even sleeping. The doctor gave me something to calm me down and then suggested a daily-use anxiety medication.

I tried the daily-use method for eleven days and hated the side effects. I felt out of it, tired, dizzy, and the list goes on. The pills ended up flushed down the toilet after I made a call to the doctor and told her I was done. Also told her I was going to start working out 4-5 days a week because I truly believe exercise and healthy diet can replace most medication [with the exception of any serious health issue]. She agreed with my decision, with the caveat of calling her immediately if I was experiencing any further daily anxiety.

I literally started going 4-5 times a week and feeling amazing. I started taking in the gym like anybody else takes in oxygen. It helps me focus, deal with stress, and simply feel amazing. Am also getting stronger. I usually go in the morning and I never used to be able to lift weights that early in the morning. But, now I just rock it. The weight I can lift is noticably increasing and the amount of cardio I do is way more than I could ever do before.

So, I'm back. But, no more sappy stories about laying on the couch eating chocolate. Sorry. I know that was truly the funny stuff. Failure really is funny, but I'm not feeling very entertaining right now. Spring is here and I feel amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Keep it up. I've slowly amassed a home gym in my basement composed of adjustable bench, elliptical, and free weights from 8 pounds to 60 pounds. I've really taken to working out late at night, though, like you, I used to work out in the a.m. before work and really enjoyed it. I still have my gym membership because they have the cables, but I've discovered that there are enough free weight exercises to make up for not using the machines.

    And while the food has been healthy more or less, the amount is what was keeping me from my ideal wight. I've found the very minor changes in food intake have allowed me to find my "natural" weight.

    Keep the posts coming!
